Saturday, February 28, 2009


I can't wait until winter is over. I seem to remember that in the summer Justin and I were only creating about 2 loads of laundry per week. Now we're creating 4!! We're only 2 people! Granted, Justin has always made a ton of laundry. If I were to wash his clothes seperately there would be twice as much as there is from me. And that's not just because his clothes are bigger (although they are). He just seems to go through a million T-shirts, sweatpants, and sweatshirts every week.

This makes me a bit nervous for the amount of laundry we'll have to do when we have kids (if we can ever get to that point!) Obviously when that happens I will have to get out of the habit of only doing laundry on the weekends.

Anyway, back to my original point: I can't wait until winter is over (not just because of the extra laundry). We keep having a day or two a week where the temperature crawls above zero, and things start to actually feel balmy! And then suddenly it's -12 again. The cold weather feels so much colder when you just had a day of 5 degree temperatures.

Come, spring, come!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Yesterday Justin and I were at Uncle Pete and Aunt Sonja's for a 3-way birthday party. Lucy turned 3, Uncle Pete turned 39, and Beppe turned 79.

Justin had to leave early to go help a friend move. Once he left, I went downstairs to play WeCheer with my cousins Claire and Mia.

Now, I own this game. And I was a dancer from the time I was 3 until I was 17, when I quit because of an injury. Despite all of this, Claire and Mia managed to demolish me in nearly every round.

They're 6 and 9. I still can't figure it out.

Wedding Picture

Me and my wonderful husband, Justin, on our wedding day.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Back in September we decided that maybe getting a kitten would be a good idea. I was against this for a long time because of several reasons (cat hair, litter boxes, extra expenses, etc.) Then Justin sent me an email saying that one of his co-workers had kittens she was giving away, and that one of them was a cute little girl with an M on her forehead; so we could call her Emmie!!

Somehow this got to me, and by that evening I wanted that cat... RIGHT NOW! We couldn't get it until the next day, but as soon as we went to look at the little cutie we were both in love.

The fact that we found out 3 months later that our little Emmie was really a little boy is beside the point.

The Beginning

Many things happen in our lives that Justin and I would like to remember. This blog is going to help us do that. The likelihood that anybody will read this but me is low... I'm aware of that.