Friday, March 13, 2009

March Break!

Today is my first day of March Break!! Justin is still teaching today, but since I work at a private school we get to make decisions on our own, like adding two extra days to March Break.

In honour of this, I tried to stay up to watch Private Practice last night. I never stay up to watch it, because I always have to get up for work at 6:20 in the morning, and 11 is just too late to go to bed. But I didn't have to get up this morning, so I thought "I'm an adult. I can stay up until 11 if I want!"

Apparently not.

I was fine through Grey's Anatomy. Then Private Practice started, and the last thing I remember is Addison scrubbing out next to that man-doctor who was scrubbing in. Next thing I know I'm waking up for the last 3 minutes of the show.

That's what happens when your normal bedtime is 9:00!

Anyway, yesterday I brought my camera to work to take some pictures of the kids. I knew that flourescent lighting turned pictures yellow, so I wanted to use the white balance function on my camera to tone down the yellows (this was my whole purpose in bringing my camera to work). It worked!!

Just so you can see, this is what the pictures would have looked like if I didn't adjust the white balance:

And this is what they looked like after I adjusted the white balance to compensate for the flourescent lighting (the kid on the left is the class clown, by the way):

Such a cute face, it hardly even matters that it was ruined by that other kid's head!

Doing her work... what a good girl.

These two are cousins:
The more I use my new camera, the happier I am with it!

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